The power of precision – from diagnostics to cure!
Precision is certainly valuable in medicine and even more essential when dealing with vascular diseases, both arterial and venous is origin. That is our philosophy and paramount goal at Sinai Veins!
Tired of heavy legs? Swelling and leg pain?
We evaluate and treat leg edema and venous problems ,leg pain, cramps and arterial problems using the most advanced and precise diagnostic technology.
That makes us different from all other vascular centers in New York and Tristate Area. In the treatment of vascular and vein diseases we do not rely on ‘old’ technology only, such as Doppler Ultrasound, which can frequently detect only part of the problem ,the tip of the iceberg, and leave the cause of the disease undetected.

In different cases we deploy the following Diagnostic imaging: CT Angiography, MR Venography, MR Angiography, Intravascular Ultrasound. For example, the special Intravascular Ultrasound allows to see the vein or atrophy from inside, as opposed to the traditional Ultrasound with outside superficial view .
This provides the more gentle and delicate approach to the whole vascular procedures eliminating and accompanying the pain or need in general or local anesthesia.
That make our procedures nontraumatic, painless, completely ambulatory with immediate recovery and return to normal every day activities the same day.
Restart your walk – Vascular Rehab Program!
After prolonged hospital stay or periods of limited mobility return to normal activity will be joyful but at the same time stressful on your bones, joints, muscles and certainly, arteries and veins.
New demand of blood circulation for active walk can cause strain on already compromised blood vessels.
Patients can start having symptoms of severe intermittent leg pain (claudication), cramps, swelling , skin change which usually are mild, but can also reach dramatic extent and become debilitating. Associated conditions of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking are common and promote further vascular damage.
Fortunately with modern diagnostic and treatment technology vascular conditions can be corrected non-surgically, on outpatient basis.
Timely vascular rehab program, including early diagnosis, monitored treatment exercised protocols, nutritional and pharmacological support as well as available full spectrum
Outpatient endovascular treatments would prevent arterial occlusions, thromboembolic events and leg ulcer developments.
And last but not least, simple pleasure of walking without pain will be yours for many years.
What puts you at risk:
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- History of heart disease
Today surgery can be avoided.
All arteries and venous problems resolved without hospitalization or surgery (with one painless in-office procedure). One arterial or Venous in-office procedure will restore circulation, allowing a good new mileage and a good old pain-free walk.
Each year 73000 amputations resulting from PAD ARE PERFRMED IN THE UNITED STATES!
The symptoms start with difficulty in walking , leg pain, cramps, cold feet, with main risk factors being -diabetes, hypertension, smoking and generally older age. Fortunately, with the modern technology such a common disease can be easily diagnosed and treated successfully , especially at an early stage. That is what we do at the vascular centers of Sinai Veins.

Last decade medical science witnessed multiple discoveries. Several of the most practical and obvious happened in he special field of interventional radiology.
Today, thousands of patients can enjoy the benefits of latest revolutionary advances in vascular interventional radiology, allowing patients nonsurgical care of enlarged prostate (PAE PROCEDURE ) of uterine fibrosis (UFE procedure), of blocked arteries (laser Atherectomy ) and varicose veins (IVUS and Endovenous procedures), just to name a few.
- Our Highly specialized board – certified physicians trained at some of the best and most respected medical centers in the country, including Mount Sinai, Cornell and Montefiore Hospitals.
- Our Radiologists are nationally renowned in various subspecialty fields on MRI and CT. Imaging technology plays a vital role in the diagnostics and treatment of disease. For more than 15 years Sinai Diagnostics has been at the fore-front of this ever evolving science
With thorough diagnostic process we get complete roadmap for treatment procedures which are performed by the same team of vascular specialists at the same place.
This prevents any misconception, loss of diagnostics information and simple patient travel back and forth from one place to another, what patients call it one stop shop.