Legs Pain Clinic uses the latest techniques in the treatment of venous insufficiency, such as endovenous laser treatment (EVLT). This is an effective technology that has evolved from the often-characterized “antiquated methods” of surgical ligation and vein stripping.

Vein stripping is a very painful and arduous experience. EVLT, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive procedure during which light emission (heat) from a laser fiber beam is used to cauterize the inside of the varicose vein wall. This method closes the unhealthy, refluxing vein. EVLT is an alternative to both traditional surgery and other treatments, and it requires minimal access to the vein.

During this procedure, a local anesthetic is applied to the vein and the physician inserts a tiny catheter into the problematic vein using ultrasound to guide its entry. The energy from the laser then works to close the unhealthy refluxing vein and thus reduce the tension on the surface skin veins.

With the problematic vein permanently closed, the body then reroutes the blood to healthier veins returning the blood back to the heart. EVLT is a reliable and simple way to treat varicose veins without surgery.

The advantages of laser vein treatment include:

         •        Treatment typically takes less than one hour

         •        Provides immediate relief

         •        Avoidance of general anesthesia

         •        Minimized recovery period and immediate return to normal activities

         •        No scarring or stitches

         •        Lower rate of complication

         •        Higher success rate and durability of the procedure relative to surgery

Often patients will combine EVLT with sclerotherapy.

Advancements in Vein Therapy

Endovenous Laser Therapy

Appointment at a clinic

Local Anesthesia

Laser Treatment is minimally invasive

Little to no scarring

Minimal or no pain

Can help anyone of any age

Immediately resume your normal daily activities

Advantages of EVLT



Clinical studies have shown up to a 98% success rate

You can immediately resume your normal daily activities

Costs are currently covered by Medicare and most insurance providers up to 100%


Each procedure usually takes less than 15 minutes

No hospitalization required. All procedures are performed at our clinics

Immediate relief from painful symptoms


Non-surgical & Non-invasive

No general anesthesia

No large incisions needed

Little to no scarring

Minimal risk of postoperative infection